Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yes, we have some morulas.....we have some morulas today!

Actually yesterday, but you get the idea. The term the embryologist used was "compacting"...we had 4 compacting embryos as of yesterday as well as 1-10 cell, 1-9 cell, 1- 8 cell and the rest of 6's, 5's and 2-4's. The 2-4 cells had not doubled since the previous day so they are peetering out. But, the great news is that, as of yesterday we had 4 compacting embryos which means they are exactly on track for day 4 development. Of course, as soon as I got off the phone I had to google more info on morulas(it's what I do). It gave me chills reading about it....I was just amazed. Check out this cool pic (not my embryo) and explanation.

"This is a compacting morula. There are many cells and the cell borders are becoming fuzzy as the embryo "compacts". With compaction it looks as though the cells are "melting together". A morula contains about 10-30 cells. The morula stage is the final stage prior to formation of a fluid filled cavity called the blastocoel cavity.

Embryo arrest at the morula stage is not uncommon, which is one reason that transfer at the blastocyst stage can be a beneficial IVF treatment strategy."

Well, since I haven't received my day 5 results yet, we'll totally ignore the last sentence and think happy, happy thoughts about blastocysts.

So, think hopeful thoughts for us that our embryos made it through to blast. So far we have had every indication that this extreme change in protocol was the right one, but today is the next big hurdle. There's always a chance we could walk in for our transfer today and find out that none of them made it through this stage.

I know, I know, happy thoughts.....this is why they gave me the valium for today!
I must find the happy place!

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