Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coping with pure fear during the IVF process.

Our donor had her egg retrieval yesterday. 13 eggs were retrieved. Even at 41, I always had 16, 18 even 20 eggs retrieved. Our previous donor also had 18 eggs retrieved. So, we're not sure what to make of this result. Today we learned that 10 of them fertilized. Again, this is a lot less than we are used to. Of course, the key to IVF is quality not quantity. There have been people in our support group that had just 5 eggs and now have twins. So, all we can do is hope for a couple of really great embryos.

Still, there's some kind of comfort in a large number. Yet, there's the knowledge that those large numbers did nothing for us. So, we wait...until tomorrow and hope that every single one of those 10 embryos has split into 4 cells. Then we wait until the next day to see if they all make 8 cells. In our Maddening....yes.

I'm photographing a wedding today. It will be a nice diversion. It will be good to concentrate on someone else's special day instead of obsessing. Not only that, but it helps to know that my entire life is not IVF. It's a reminder that there's something interesting about me, something I'm good at. Becoming a mom isn't all that I am.

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you got a handful of good embryos out of that batch of 10 fertilised eggs. Having just a quick look through your TTC timeline and jeez - if anyone deserves a baby out of an IVF cycle it's you after all that! Fingers crossed for you!


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