Friday, June 5, 2009


About a month ago, I found out I was getting laid off from my job. However, they wanted me to stay on for 8 weeks to transition the job down to the DC office. Well, my coworkers are gone now, but they definitely had it easy and got to leave quickly. Now keep in mind that I do not like my job, I haven't liked my job for several years. We've all just been holding on for the amazing severance package. But...I had no idea how hard it was to watch your job disintegrate before your eyes. The people taking it over don't have any sense of personal responsibility and honestly have no idea what they are getting into. It's hard to see all this happen knowing that it will never be done at the level that you did it ever again. You would think that it would make me feel good, but it doesn't. It's hard to let go when I've spent 12 years scheduling my vacations around deadlines. I'd rather be gone and not have to see it. I have 3 weeks left and I'm trying hard to find my zen place to get through it.

Of course, with fertility treatments, de-stressing is critical....and it definitely not my strong suit. We've just started the "suppression month" of our first frozen cycle. Luckily, the real stuff won't be happening in the cycle until I'm long gone from the job. One thing I will not miss is the feeling I've been punched in the stomach that I have when I leave work each day. It's not supposed to be that way right???? I'm hoping to get back to me....and not the really stressed out version of me that I've become. ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. When one of those idiots makes you want to scream picture them standing in front of you in the most god awful underwear and socks from Kmart, looking like a dork and thinking they are god's gift.... if you want you can imagine their faces covered in purple spots, or something hanging out of their nose, or a big piece of chive in their front teeth too. :-)) Hang in there - you're doin' great!


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