Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crazy is as crazy stabs!

So I made it through a week of training in DC. It was stressful and exhausting, but it went fast because I was busy. I was hoping to lose some weight while I was gone, but that didn't happen. There was lots of walking in the city, but I wasn't able to make it to the gym at the hotel. The stress was a bit exhausting for me. Luckily I only gained 1 lb.

Now I'm back at home and I'm on day 3 of Lupron shots. Administratively, these are a piece of cake. It's only a 1/2" needle in my belly. But...after 2 whole months of not being on fertility meds....I can really feel a difference. I was very depressed this weekend and even cried today. This could be a bumpy ride! Time to break out the comedy dvds!!!! I stil have weeks to go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Linda...good luck with this cycle. Thanks for checking up on me. I have experienced the same with the Lupron, but my protocol was switched to ganirelix after that cycle was canceled.


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