Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 24

In the heat of the day, none of us is sure what is real. Was that a fish that just jumped out of the water or the peak of a wave? Without fresh water and food for days now, it's hard to be clear about anything. The crew is looking weak and there has been talk of canniba.......

Oh right, I'm not adrift....just totally whacked out on endless Lupron. Silly me. It's 2:18am and I'm tired, REALLY tired....but I can't sleep. I was in an air-conditioned room, yet burning hot. So I embrace Lupron's lot and write this instead.

I did have a short, interesting dream. In real life, I'm going to Atlantic City tomorrow with my mom and I was looking for restaurants before I went to bed. In the dream, D and I are sitting in an A.C. restaurant and a couple of tables over is Robert Pattison. I, of course, try to take his picture with Dan's Iphone so I can post it on my facebook. (tacky I know) Robert P. sees this and comes over to say hi. We have a nice chat and then he offers to take a pic with both of us. How nice is that guy? Now I don't have any type of celebrity crush on this guy or anything so I'm not sure why he is in my dream. Maybe he's a secret celebrity fertility god and it's a sign....or maybe I'm semi-psychic and we'll actually run into him on our trip. You never know!

Uh oh, is this what happens with lack of REM sleep? helps

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