Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Going....and going....and going

I feel like I've been stabbing myself with needles for forever now. It's been a REALLY long cycle.....albeit less invasive than a fresh cycle. I started Lupron shots on 6/12, so it's been 18 days of shots now...and I have at least a week to go...probably 2. Then after that the big shots in the butt start too. YIKES!

I was saying to D the other day how it's impossible not to feel let down when a cycle doesn't work out. It's not like a regular monthly cycle that's a month long and that you don't usually know it's happening until it's over. It's 2 whole months of total focus on the cycle then a big letdown. Of course, we're hoping (yet afraid to hope) that the letdown part doesn't happen this time!

I probably should stop watching those baby shows (but I know I won't). Last night, I saw one where the woman had IVF and it was unsuccessful. So, the next one they put in 3 embryos instead of 2 and all of them took....and she was about to deliver triplets. On our first IVF we put in 3, our second IVF we put in 4 and this one we'll be doing 5. We're doing 5 this time since these embryos are possibly lesser quality than the top ones we picked for the fresh cycle. It's a scary proposition....but I'm just hoping that one will stick....and be a healthy, normal embryo.

We won't know about the healthy part until about 10 weeks when we can have the CVS testing done. Between the chance of miscarriage and the chance of an abnormality, we really won't be able to be excited about a pregnancy until after the first trimester.

Phase 1 - getting knocked up
Phase 2 - staying knocked up
Phase 3 - testing

I'm so over phase 1! I'm totally ready to worry about Phase 2 now!

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