Monday, March 23, 2009

We had our egg transfer this morning! We transferred 1 8c, 2 7c and 1 6c. Everything went really smoothly. I highly recommend the valium before the transfer...very relaxing! I did the acupuncture beforehand and Dr. Z put needles in my head, ears, feet, calves and belly. For the acu after, the needles were in my things and my hands and of course my ears...which hurt the most going in. Still, I was so relaxed the my hand kept falling off my belly as I zoned out.

If I can figure it out, I'll add the photo of our embryos on here too.

Now, just cross your fingers....and your toes!


  1. That is soooo awesome! Start of a fabulous baby book! :)

  2. Oh man, let's hope so. I'm hormoned out!


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