Tuesday, September 22, 2009


19 retrieved, 18 mature (which I'm stunned to hear) and 16 fertilized!!!!

There were so many small follicles on the u/s I can't believe that almost all were actually mature. This part is so exciting yet I hate having hope. It'll be like jumping off Niagara if this one doesn't work.

I'm still a bit sore, but I'm down to just tylenol instead of tylenol with codeine. I was up a bit around 5am when all my meds wore off, but D hooked me up with the heating pad and it all calmed down again. I like how in the doctor's discharge instructions they write it like you're going to think about going to the gym that day or something. Oh, and don't lift more than 20 lbs. DUUUUDE, I CAN'T GET OFF THE COUCH AND I'M HAPPY TO BE ABLE TO PEE NORMALLY!!!!

oops. tmi... and yes, if my doctor can call my eggs "juicy" I believe I can refer to him indirectly as dude. Off to have mass quantities of caffeinated tea while I can!

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