Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was kind of excited to have my appt today. IVF is such a waiting game and this cycle was moving pretty quickly. So I went in for my baseline ultrasound this morning. Uterus still there, check....ovaries there, check....however I could hardly see any antral follicles. These come up at the beginning of each cycle and look like little white dots in your ovaries. I got a glimpse at 2 and that was it. In previous cycles I've had 13 or so...at least! The nurse said I only had 4 on each side. CRAP! So, I freaked out a lot today and felt a bit down. It's hard doing IVF, and even harder going through all this shit feeling like someone just tripped you at the starting line.

So, I came home from my appt and took my first shot of gonal-f. It was easy at this point. What amazed me is how I was so fatigued within an hour. Could that really be from the gonal-f or the fact that I was up in the middle of the night? I took a little nap, but the feeling seemed to linger. Hinky!

Then tonight, comes a new part of my protocol, the Menopur. Usually I would do another dose of Gonal-F in the evening, but my doc is switching it up. Man, this is a high maintenance injection. You take a large needle and attach this adapter to it, then you suction out a vial of liquid. Then you take the liquid and put it into a vial of powder and swirl (not shake)....and since I had to do 4 vials of powder I had to keep suctioning and injecting and re-swirling. And after all of that, the motherf'r burns like a banchee. (if banchees burn that is) The injection site is all red and itchy. Not cool, Menopur, not cool. We have to hang out for the next 11 days so maybe you should chill out. OK, I'm talking to inanimate medications....must be time for bed....or the drugged craziness has begun. nite

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