Monday, September 14, 2009

Marching on......

I'll cut to the chase. Went in for my u/s this morning. There were some good sized follicles. They say they are in the same range as my other 2 cycles at this time. So basically they said the quantity can vary from cycle to cycle, but the response (growth, estrogen levels, etc.) is still really good for my age. Who knows what to believe anymore. I did see 6 decent ones on the right and 2 decent ones on the left and a few smaller ones. I guess we're moving forward. How do I feel about it all? Well, to quote Mike Doughty, "These fears are bountiful".

Now I have the craziest story to share. So, I went to my cousin's baby shower yesterday. And, just like her wedding shower, she had more people there than my actual wedding. It took her 3 hours to open all the gifts. We couldn't even see the front of the room. It was crazy! But she looked adorable and I'm so happy for her. She has lots of health problems so I'm so glad she didn't have to go through all of this too.

I must preface by saying...I love my Aunt...I really do. She is just the sweetest person and always doted on all of us. But...she is also the LAST person in the whole world I wanted to know about my IVF. Someone, who shall remain nameless (3 letters, spelled the same forwards and backwards, gave birth to me and denies all culpability) told her about my fertility struggles. So, I go to this shower with a bit of armor on, but also feeling a bit vulnerable b/c of all the latest just going to a baby shower wasn't hard enough.

I walk in, gift in hand and she puts her hand on my belly and asks if anything is happening yet? Seriously, this is a lady who could not have children of her own and moved on to adopting 2 great kids. I have no idea how she could say that me but it actually happened. It was like a slow motion car that I ran from as quickly as possible. I know she meant well.....somehow. I was very proud of myself that I didn't cry in front of 80 people. When I went to my table and told my mom and sister, their mouths dropped open. Stunning, it was stunning.

Deep down, I knew there was the potential of such an incident. Probably b/c of the time I brought a new boyfriend to a picnic and she asked me if he was "the one". I think I had dated him a few months. So, it's not totally surprising, yet, still...unfreakinbelievable.

Guess I'll have to add that to my list of things not to say to someone doing IVF....but wasn't this one a given?

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