Monday, October 12, 2009

Waiting Waiting Waiting

It's been a very long weekend for me. Instead of the every other day blood test, but because of the weekend, I had to go an extra day. I'm not even sure how I stayed sane the first time I was pregnant. I didn't even have my first doctor's appt (aka nurse consultation) until 7 weeks. Now I find 2 days without a blood test maddening.

So, it's 12:30 now and I'm waiting for the nurse's call with my results. I'm trying to distract myself by packing for our kitchen renovation, but I'm carrying my cell phone from room to room. Basically, the whole distraction idea is not working! I keep checking the phone like it may have rung in my pocket and I didn't hear it. Yes, I've totally lost it!

D and I are both walking the tightrope between being excited and not getting too invested at this point. It's very, very hard. I want to be excited, but I'm so scared about the letdown. One of the girls in our support group has been to this level and well-beyond 4 times now before she miscarried. I can't even imagine that...and those possibilities are always in the back of my mind now.

"Courage isn't an absence of fear. It's doing what you are afraid to do. It's having the power to let go of the familiar and forge ahead into new territory."
~John Maxwell

1:45pm Our beta number is 1738! yay! I made an appt for Thursday for our first u/s! yay!

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