Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Checkup #1

Oh it was so so early this morning when I woke up. I actually told my alarm clock "I'm trying ok?" when the buzzer went off. It was still unyielding in its attempts to awaken me.

I had my blood taken and went in for an ultrasound. Here's a brief review.... When I first started in December, I had 15 antral follicles. Then I went on BCP's for about a month. Before I started stims, I had 11 follicles. Today, we could see 10 growing for sure...and possibly one lil tiny one. Of course, I was hoping to go in and see 20, but that was a long shot for sure. The good news is that the 10 left are growing right on schedule. I'm really hoping no more drop out though.

I also asked about the fact that I haven't gotten my period since stopping the bcps. Apparently, this is not going to happen. The nurse said "take whatever you know about a natural cycle and throw it out the window!" allrighty then!

I have another appt on Friday and then one on Saturday too. tired.

Another recent side effect is being caused by the baby aspirin I'm taking once a day. I've been bleeding a little when I do my shots now and also with the acupunture. I found a bruise on my lower abdomen last night. I think it's from the acupunture since I didn't do shots there. I'm surprised a baby aspirin has so much effect. hinky!

1 comment:

  1. Is crazy with all the major stuff going on with your body that the things you think will be so simple like the aspirin end up causing their own silliness. You're getting there, though! :)


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